DCRI-led think tank addresses opportunities and challenges of digital technology in health care
The DCRI brought together national leaders to address the promise and challenges facing digital health technologies in the transformation of health care.
DCRI, University of Oxford to collaborate on chronic kidney disease study
EMPA-KIDNEY will study the effects of empagliflozin in CKD patients with and without diabetes.
Heart patients help doctors determine best aspirin dose
The ADAPTABLE study, coordinated by the DCRI, will enroll as many as 15,000 cardiac patients to determine the optimal aspirin dose.
The 2015-2016 DCRI Annual Report is here
2019 Annual Report: Data in Clinical Research
DCRI to coordinate national study of childhood health
The DCRI will serve as the coordinating center for ECHO, which will examine how environmental factors affect childhood health.
Boehringer Ingelheim and DCRI expand collaboration to create largest patient registry for IPF
New NIH-funded center to study inefficiencies in clinical trials
The center will be a key component of the Trial Innovation Network, which is the newest part of the Clinical and Translational Science Award Program.
DIA 2016: DCRI researchers discuss how ADAPTABLE could change clinical trials
The DCRI’s Adrian Hernandez, MD, MHS, and Lesley Curtis, PhD, examined the challenges and opportunities of running one of the largest pragmatic clinical trials.
DCRI’s Adrian Hernandez awarded $2 million PCORI grant to study comparative effectiveness of stroke treatments
The study will be developing online tools highlighting the benefits and risks of different treatments to enable stroke patients to evaluate the treatment approach that suits them best.