"Click and Mortar" Opportunities for Digitization and Consumerism in Trials

In January 2022, the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) convened a Think Tank to explore the evolving landscape of clinical trials in the digital age. This collaborative effort, titled Consumerization and Digitization of Healthcare: Where Marketing Meets Clinical Trials, brought together experts from academia, industry, non-profit organizations, and government to discuss the implications of digitization and consumerism in clinical trials. The insights and recommendations from this Think Tank have culminated in the article Click and Mortar Opportunities for Digitization and Consumerism in Trials, published in Contemporary Clinical Trials.

Here, participants of the Think Tank delve into the potential benefits and challenges of integrating digital tools and consumer-oriented approaches in clinical trials. They highlight how these innovations can enhance participant recruitment and diversity while also addressing critical issues related to equity, ethics, and data security. The publication serves as a comprehensive guide for researchers and practitioners, offering practical strategies to balance the opportunities and challenges of modern clinical trials.

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