i-Cubed Launches Innovation Spotlight Series with Early-Stage Startup Alleviate Health

A new event series hosted by i-Cubed promises to forge connections and accelerate promising startups to expedite breakthroughs and improve efficiencies in clinical research.

The Innovation Spotlight, an interactive event series hosted by DCRI’s center for clinical research innovation, i-Cubed, opened on July 16 with a discussion featuring the co-founder of Alleviate Health, an early-stage startup that uses AI technology to improve the participant screening process for clinical trials.

During the session, i-Cubed Operations Director Donna Parker spoke with Saathvik Boompelli, Alleviate Health's co-founder, about his AI-powered participant recruiting tool and the technology behind it, as well as what drew him to the field of clinical research and his plans for the future.

Alleviate — founded by undergraduate Duke University Engineering and Computer Science students — developed an AI chatbot that accelerates participant pre-screening by analyzing informed consent forms (ICFs) prepared by trial sponsors. The chatbot helps to identify ineligible patients that should be excluded from the trial, streamlining the process and saving sites and study coordinators significant time and resources.

"Any patient that is excluded is one more patient the study coordinator doesn’t have to call and follow up with," Boompelli explained.

The chatbot’s conversational user-friendliness reduces drop-off rates, especially among older or less tech-savvy individuals. Importantly, the chatbot is designed to remain on-script and can escalate to a human representative when asked questions outside the ICF scope, ensuring Institutional Review Board (IRB) compliance and client comfort.

Boompelli also highlighted the tool's adaptability for diverse participant demographics and non-English speakers. Boompelli mentioned working with a site in Texas to provide fully conversational Spanish support, resulting in higher engagement and inclusion rates.

When asked to define what success looks like for Alleviate, Boompelli responded, "Success is... I don't know what success is yet. But I'm very grateful I get to work on this. It's already successful."

Looking ahead, Boompelli envisions expanding Alleviate Health’s capabilities.

"The goal is to keep riding the wave of AI innovation," he said, adding that the startup aims to support AI voice calling and expand into doctors' offices and home healthcare to automate patient conversations.

The event attracted more than 25 in-person attendees and even more via Zoom, including students from the DCRI Summer Training in Academic Research (STAR) Program. The audience engaged in a Q&A session with Boompelli, addressing critical topics such as IRB responses, HIPAA compliance, and the chatbot's false positive rate.

Boompelli also inspired the students in the audience with his closing note, saying, "You guys are at the ideal age to start something. You have the technical expertise and the opportunity to join something early-stage. Don’t shy away from starting something of your own; it’s a very rewarding experience."

As Alleviate Health continues to develop its AI-powered recruiting tool, i-Cubed is providing invaluable support by connecting the startup with essential resources, mentorship, and industry contacts. This collaboration exemplifies how innovative ideas can revolutionize clinical research, streamlining processes, and enhancing participant engagement. i-Cubed's commitment to fostering such groundbreaking advancements ensures that promising technologies like Alleviate Health’s chatbot can reach their full potential. If you have a transformative idea for clinical research, connect with i-Cubed to explore opportunities for innovation and collaboration.

Watch the full session.
