The DCRI owes its rich history to its people, both past and present. Scroll through our digital photo album for a look at favorite memories from the past 25 years contributed by DCRI employees and collaborators.

The CEC data group spends time together over lunch at Southpoint Mall.

The AEGIS-II Study Team visits Phoenix, AZ for an investigator meeting in May 2019.

Former DCRI Executive Director Eric Peterson converses with Paul Armstrong, founder of Canadian VIGOUR Centre.

Directors of the Duke Databank for Cardiovascular Disease, the world’s oldest and largest cardiovascular database, circa 2006.

Kristen Tuminski and Lori Betz oversee the "Dice is Right" game during DCRI Day 2011.

DCRI faculty share their knowledge at the 2011 Duke Clinical Medicine Series - Cardiology Conference.

The Transformation Team celebrate the completion of Phase I in March 2020.

The GUSTO Steering Committee gathers for the release of the results from GUSTO-III, circa 1993.

Faculty and fellows collaborate at the DCRI booth during AHA 2012.

Eric Velazquez and Mary Ann Sellers catch up with Eugene Braunwald during a PIONEER meeting in 2018.

Lisa Berdan, Mary Ann Sellers, Jennifer Green, and Ty Rorick enjoy local cuisine during the EXSCEL investigator meeting held in Hong Kong in 2010.

Longtime DCRI staffers Mary Ann Sellers, Joanne Ruddy, Kathleen Trollinger, Cathy Martz, Beth Fraulo, and Kim Brown visit with each other.

This team oversaw site management for the REGULATE-PCI study.

STICHES Investigators, including Cathy and Bob Jones and Alexandra McCormick.

Lilin She catches up with colleagues during a STICHES investigator meeting.

Mary Bailey and Mary Creed participate in a STICHES investigator meeting.

DCRI Outcomes, Health Services Research, and friends enjoy a Thanksgiving luncheon held in November 2016 at the North Pavilion.

This team oversaw the operations for the DOSE study.

Lisa Berdan, Jennifer Green, Ty Rorick, and Adrian Hernandez enjoying dinner in 2011 while in Dubai for an EXSCEL Steering Committee meeting.

Pam Douglas, faculty director of the imaging department, shows off new shirts with the team in 2018.

Deborah Roth served as DCRI's former COO.

A group poses for a picture during a celebration for Nurses Day in 2014.

Members of the Technology and Data Solutions team circa 2007 at the North Pavilion.

Penny Hodgson interviews Bob Harrington at the DCRI Booth during ACC 2012.

Galen Wagner and Bob Stead celebrate with Rob Califf at his 50th birthday party.

Monique Starks presents results from the first quality assessment of the Get With The Guidelines (GWTG) – Resuscitation registry during AHA 2013.

Retired DCRI faculty Lawrence "Doc" Muhlbaier and former DCRI Executive Director Eric Peterson.

Rob Califf, Pascal Goldschmidt, and David Kong at a Duke Heart Center event.

DCRI faculty member Manesh Patel presents results from the ROCKET study during AHA 2010.

Craig Reist, formerly of DCRI MegaTrials, and Ty Rorick, current head of DCRI's Research Operations, at a sponsor meeting.

Lynn Perkins and Matt Wilson, both of DCRI's Clinical Events Classification group, gather at the DCRI booth during AHA 2017.

Longtime collaborators Paul Armstrong, of the Canadian VIGOUR Centre, and Rob Califf visit with one another.

Former DCRI fellow and faculty member Eric Velazquez shares his knowledge during a panel session at an ACC Scientific Session.

DCRI faculty members Chris Granger and Magnus Ohman share a laugh.

David Sielaty, Kristen Tuminski, and Eric Peterson at the ceremonial groundbreaking for the Morris Building in March 2017.

Linda Davidson-Ray, assistant director of operations for DCRI Outcomes, and Lisa Berdan, former director of DCRI MegaTrials.

DCRI faculty member Magnus Ohman presents during a conference.

The DCRI celebrates original faculty member Kerry Lee upon his 2016 retirement from Duke after 40 years of service. Pictured L-R: Demoncio Akins, Regina McNair, Kerry Lee, and Frank Rockhold.

Former DCRI employees Lisa Berdan, Betsy Reid, and Rob Califf visit with research colleagues in India.

Former DCRI fellow and faculty member Zubin Eapen answers questions from colleagues after presenting a poster at AHA 2013.

DCRI founder and Executive Director Rob Califf cuts a ribbon to mark the opening of the North Pavilion building in Dec. 2008.

DCRI scientific editors Erin Campbell and Elizabeth "Liz" Cook enjoy the sun during a DCRI gathering.

DCRI faculty Chris Granger and Renato Lopes discuss their research during an investigator meeting during AHA 2007.

DCRI staff Marelle Molbert and Jimmy Melton smile together during an offsite event in 2003.

Chris O'Connor, a former DCRI faculty member and the former head of the Duke Heart Center, meets with his research peers.

The DCRI Statistics group attends a 2013 retreat at Duke Gardens.

DCRI's Michael Pencina and Yanhong Li chat with colleague Kristina Sigmon during the 2013 Statistics retreat at Duke Gardens.

Former DCRI Executive Director Bob Harrington with biostatisticians Karen Pieper and Kristina Sigmon.

DCRI faculty Ying Xian and staff member Kim Bowman share a smile during the 2019 DCRI holiday reception.

Former DCRI Executive Director Eric Peterson with DCRI faculty member Neha Pagidipati.

Penny Hodgson, the original director of DCRI Communications, with her team in 1995.

Craig Reist, Adrian Hernandez, Lisa Berdan, and Rob Califf sport Canadian hockey jerseys after a lost Olympics bet with collaborators from the Canadian Vigour Centre.

The Statistics group in front of the Erwin Mill building in 1995, a year before the official formation of the DCRI.

John Alexander and Renato Lopes present their poster on PREVENT-IV during ESC 2008.

Bernie McCants, shown here celebrating 39 years with the Duke Databank, retired in 2014 after 42 years of service at Duke.

Members of VIGOUR from Duke, Canada, Sweden, and New Zealand visit the Uppsala Research Centre in NZ in 2010.

Four-legged friends from Vets to Vets pay a visit to the DCRI in 2016 to honor DCRI's veterans.

Carolyn Moore Arias scrambles up breakfast while volunteering at Urban Ministries in 2018.

Ty Rorick and Jennifer Green enjoy coffee after dinner in Dubai in 2011 for an EXSCEL Steering Committee meeting.

Biostatistician Kerry Lee enjoys a royal birthday celebration in 2008.

Patty Darragh visits with a colleague at the STICHES investigator meeting.

Vanessa Moore and Bob Jones share a laugh during a STICHES investigator meeting.

Bob Jones and Patrice Desvigne-Nickens chat during a STICHES investigator meeting.

CEC operational director Matt Wilson and DCRI head of research operations Ty Rorick visit the DCRI booth during AHA 2019.

Former DCRI staff members Julie McKeel and Janet Kirby enjoy a gorgeous day outside the office.

Jennifer Gloc and Susan Landis celebrating at the 2019 DCRI Holiday Reception.

The DCRI Communications group enjoys a 2008 retreat at Duke Gardens.

Team building during the 2016 Faculty Support retreat at McKee's Cornfield Maze.

A team prepares to launch the PREVENTABLE study at a kickoff meeting in 2019.

Arnetta Davis and Regina McNair catching up during the 2013 Administrative Professionals Day celebration at Duke Gardens.

Paula Smith making a four-legged friend during the 2016 Faculty Support retreat at McKee's Cornfield Maze.

Patsy Clifton celebrating her retirement, with Arnetta Davis, in 2015. Patsy had been at Duke for nearly 40 years.

Karen Pieper discusses DCRI's history with a new group of DCRI Fellows in 2019.

CIHD sending thanks for pints of Jeni's Ice Cream to their colleague, Jui-Chen Yang in Seattle.

Dixie Ray, Seanna Horan, Janice Rogers, and Bonnie Britt celebrating Patsy Clifton's retirement in Aug. 2015.

Dan Larsen enjoying himself while at an EXSCEL investigator meeting held in Hong Kong in 2010.

Damon Seils and Kevin Schulman in September 2013 celebrating 20 years of working together, including 14 at the DCRI.

Crystal Patterson and Gina Streaty enjoying time together at DCRI's Administrative Professionals Day celebration in 2013.

The CEC group participates in team building activities during a group outing.

In 2011, Adrian Hernandez and Jennifer Green take a break from the EXSCEL Steering Committee to do a little sightseeing in Dubai.

DCRI Faculty Support staff attending the 2017 Administrative Professionals Day celebration.

Bonnie Britt, Aurea Gagliardotto, and Melissa Geiseman enjoying a meal together at the 2017 Administrative Professionals Day celebration.

The DCRI Statistics group enjoys a holiday gathering in 2010, shortly after moving into the Durham Centre.

Bob Jones, Eric Velazquez, and Kerry Lee gathering at the STICH/STICHES celebration in 2016.

The RECORD study team poses for a picture in June 2012.

Mother and daughter Kaye Williams and Melissa Carter celebrate 20 and 15 years at the 2014 DCRI Career Service Awards.

Planning the ADAPTABLE Study.

Members of the 2018 DCRI Imaging Leadership Team show their pride.

Members of the DCRI's Faculty Support team relax at Duke Gardens during the 2013 Administrative Professionals Day celebration.

Former DCRI director Bob Harrington supports then fellow and current DCRI faculty Renato Lopes during his poster presentation at AHA 2007.

DCRI's Ohio State University alumni gathering prior to a retirement party in 2015 to spell out "OHIO."

DCRI's PrefER Group join collaborators from Montreal at the 2018 International Academy of Health Preference Research meeting.

DCRI's CCGE group tours the Duke Life Flight in 2012 after the helicopter pad was moved to the rooftop of Duke University Hospital.

Jean Rouleau, world-renowned cardiologist and researcher from the Montreal Heart Institute, with a STICHES colleague.

Planing the ADAPTABLE study.

The BRIDGE trial leadership team.

Robert Califf and Sandy Williams.

The leadership team from the Japan Translational Research Center for Medical Innovation visiting DCRI in 2013.

DCRI's Data Management leadership team in 2002, attending the School for Managing and Leading Change.

John McHutchison, former DCRI associate director, and his team in 2005. He went on to cure Hepatitis C.