Study Will Test Higher Dose of Ivermectin to Treat Mild-to-Moderate COVID-19
DCRI-Coordinated Study ADAPTABLE to Receive 2022 Top 10 Clinical Research Achievement Award
DCRI-Coordinated Study ADAPTABLE to Receive 2022 Top 10 Clinical Research Achievement Award
The pragmatic clinical trial was the first demonstration project of PCORnet®, the Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network, which is an integrated partnership of clinical research networks funded
Duke University School of Medicine Ranked Third in Nation for Federal Medical Research Funding
Research projects led by the DCRI contributed significant funding to the School of Medicine’s total.
Better Safe than Sorry: What You Can Do to Prepare For and Respond to Cyberattack
DCRI’s Chief Science & Digital Officer Eric Perakslis, PhD, discusses mitigations for cyberattack as well as what to do before and during one.
By Eric Perakslis, PhD
Comparison of Society of Thoracic Surgeons Adult Cardiac Surgery Database Outcomes with U.S. News & World Report Rankings Finds No Correlation
The study findings suggest that factors unrelated to key surgical outcomes may be driving consumer-directed rankings.
Unpacking the FDA’s New Guidance on Remote Data Acquisition
DCRI’s Chief Science & Digital Officer Eric Perakslis, PhD unpacks how recently released FDA guidelines will impact data collection and digital health tools immediately and into the future.
NIH Collaboratory Celebrates 10 Years of Rethinking Clinical Trials®, Changes Program Name to NIH Pragmatic Trials Collaboratory
The NIH Collaboratory launches into its tenth year with a new name, continued commitment, and enhanced web tools and resources.